Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Kini dan segalanya

Alhmdulillah dgn smua rzeku yg ak dpt...ak rse bhagia sngt...sejak kembali berpindah ke kelantan,ak dkat ngn fmily ak...I LOVE MY JOB

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

new chapter :)

akhir ak trsfer blik kje klantan jgak akhirnya......stiap prtemuan ade prpisahn...ak redha smua nya....mybe dh smpai wktu nya untuk ak berubah....stelah 2thun ak stay kt kl,ak ambk kputusan utk trsfer blik kg...ak still kje kt Butik Ratu....mybe ini rzeki ak knnn...bos bkak branch kt klntan,so ape lg,ak mntk la utk trnsfer kt sni...ak hepi kt sni cz kt sni ak dkat fmily ak rndu kn mmber ak kt nk wt cmne knnn....insyallah klaw ade jdoh kte jmpa yaa kwan :)...i always miss u alll...very much....

Saturday, March 31, 2012

keje oh keje ;)

ari ni,khidupan ak sudah brubah,ak sudah mula keje,mybe dh smpai wktu nya utk ak blaja brdikari...alhmdulillah ak dpt rsekn prubahan dlm hdup ak....ak mula kje dkat Butik Ratu....wlaupn hnya smentara tp ak hrap dpt kje lama la....ak mula knal erti khidupan,ak juga thu ape itu erti kwan....ade "kwan mkn kwan" dan ade juga kwan yg sjati....

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

sem break ;)

hai smua,dh lma ase nya x updte blog ni,tgn pn trase nk meng-updte kn ssuatu ase nya..hehe

i wnt talk about LOVE
 to me LOVE to ALLAH
           LOVE to PARENTS
           LOVE to someone..(hehe)
           also Love all fren...

Love is Great!

What is Love?

Love is a combination of passion (the emotions that drive you crazy) and commitment (the stickiness that keeps you together) and positive feelings over all (some negative feelings can happen as long overall they are positive). Not all love has all these parts and Love may also include intimacy (being able to confide deepest personal stuff) and ways of expressing love like chocolates or sex.

Think about all that love can apply to: you can love your mate, love your children, lover your pets. You can love your favorite team, love your country, love your religion. You can also love your friends, love a movie, love food, love your job.

Over all ... love is great! It is a powerful positive motivator when it is a true love!

What kinds of love are there?

  • Love for your family
  • Love for your kids
  • Love for your pets
  • Love for your friends
  • Love for your passion (sports, teams, work, etc.)
  • Love for your country
  • Love for your religion
  • Love for your favorite food
  • Love for ... so many things

How can you tell you love someone?

Your actions, words, and mind are all in sync! You find yourself committed to that special someone and hopefully they are equally committed to you.

How can you tell someone loves you?

You see that all their actions and words all signal love for you. They notice the little things that make you happy and do things to make you happy. That's a good start.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

semester bru..

in life

bnyk ak blajr sem ni,yg pling pnting ak mula blaja brdikari...ak mula knal mne itu kwan n mne itu msuh... tp x tau la,npe la msih ade org yg nk knakn ak tp xpe ak x ksah juz ingt smthing,stiap mnusia ade had ksabaran....jgn smpai smua mnjadi kecoh bru sedar....ak ske brkwan ngn spe jew tp jgn smpai,ak mula mmbenci seseorg cz stiap mnusia ade prasaan....

about study

so far my study is ok,ak ske blaja utk sem ni cz smua sbjek ak ambk sem ni,xlah ssah sngt..ak hrap ak dpt cpai trget ak...hehe....

time brbuka wit fren...;)

hri ke 3 puase ak n mmber ak plan nk brbuke klcc..mmang best tp ak yg mrana..huhu...
ak dpat srat cnta dr polis,anyway it's ok coz ak hepi wit my fren....mybe ssah jmpa yg leh fhm ak... thanksss my fren....


fren 4 ever

yeah.....always hepi...wink2...;)

Friday, April 29, 2011